Kategorie: Allgemein

Kategorie: Allgemein

We are sad and concerned about Russia’s brutal assault on Ukraine. The team of Kutzenberger Wolff & Partner stands in solidarity with all Ukraine citizens and donated 10.000,- EUR as Emergency Aid under the flag of „Aktion Deutschland hilft”.

Das Europäische Patentamt (EPA) hat Übergangsmaßnahmen für eine zeitnahe Inanspruchnahme des Einheitspatents beschlossen. Nachdem nun endlich nach zahlreichen Widerständen und Rückschlagen (u.a. Verfassungsbeschwerde in Deutschland und Brexit) die erforderlichen Ratifizierungsverfahren abgeschlossen wurden, soll das einheitliche Patentsystem nun in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2022 starten. Es stellten sich für Patentanmelder daher bereits länger die Frage, wie mit … Weiter lesen

Digital transformation of the economy (sometimes referred to as the fourth industrial revolution) now provides companies with the opportunity to secure additional business value via patenting new technology-based solutions. The two most significant areas of opportunity for patentability exist in computer technology and digital communication – as these fields provide the tools to help provide … Weiter lesen

Dr Oliver Brosch has contributed a chapter on the subject of ‘Polymorphs and Patents – The EU Perspective’ in the newly published book: Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules: Salts, Cocrystals, and Polymorphism, Volume 79. Edited by Michael Gruss and published on 16 September 2021, the book authoritatively covers the entire pharmaceutical value chain. … Weiter lesen

For any company doing business in China, concern about enforcement of intellectual property (IP) is a significant factor guiding corporate strategy and operations there. While China’s IP laws and regulations have increasingly reflected international standards, where IP rights are better enforced and protected – challenges do remain. These challenges including China’s IP legal framework related … Weiter lesen

Deutschland hat das Protokoll über die vorläufige Anwendung des Übereinkommens über ein Einheitliches Patentgericht ratifiziert. Dies stellt einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung eines einheitlichen Patentgerichts im europäischen Rahmen dar. Nach jahrelangen Verzögerungen rückt die grundlegende Umgestaltung des europäischen Patentrechts mit einem einheitlichen Gericht, in dessen Zuständigkeit sowohl Rechtsverletzungen als auch die Rechtsgültigkeit von Schutzrechten fällt, … Weiter lesen

In the effort to provide timely and efficient supply of vaccines to the public during the coronavirus epidemic, tensions have arisen between pharmaceutical companies seeking to protect their patents – and people around the world keen to receive the vaccine.  While wealthy nations have already vaccinated large numbers of people, challenges to vaccine rollout exists … Weiter lesen

Companies and inventors can monetize their intellectual property by conducting innovation searches – where existing patent databases are searched to identify new business areas or technical trends, as long as the search is performed in a very systematic and well-structured manner with a mind of gaining and understanding those valuable technical information to be gathered. … Weiter lesen

High volumes of often non-market motivated Chinese trademark applications are responsible for undermining of the value of global IP registries, according to a January, 2021 United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) paper entitled: Trademarks and patents in China: The impact of non-market factors on filing trends and IP systems. The report noted that the … Weiter lesen